Pre employment screening

Psychological test

Finding the best employees for your organization isn’t just about hiring the most skilled or most experienced candidates – it’s about finding the right fit for your team. Gazit’s psychological test is designed to help you do just that.

Hiring an employee who doesn’t end up working out isn’t just frustrating and disheartening, it can also be costly in terms of both time and money. It’s worth investing a little more in the recruitment and screening process to make sure you find the type of employee your organization needs.

Our extensive psychological testing is designed to assess each candidate’s skills and knowledge, motivation, personal characteristics, interpersonal characteristics, work style and the ability to adapt to a work environment.

The Gazit screening method gives you an advantage

Our entire psychological screening process is based on understanding and finding the exact type of employee you’re in search of for your organization. Not only do we work tirelessly to understand what it is you desire, but we also study the organization with its culture and demands, and create a full analysis of each open position. For each of these positions we develop a unique, tailored screening process. We’re able to provide this customized approach because our practical experience encompasses a wide array of positions. From desk jobs, junior service and manufacturing positions, to technical professions, high-tech, marketing and security, all the way up to executive-level positions.

Our psychological tests are developed by our psychology experts who have spent years assessing and screening candidates all over the globe in a wide variety of industries – both public and private sector as well as government. Our tests are adapted for everything from entry-level desk jobs all the way up to executive level positions. They’re adapted to the character of the position, its hierarchal place in the organization, and of course the type of organization.