Fraud prevention

Periodic polygraph exams

Polygraph exams shouldn’t be something reserved solely for internal investigations when it’s already too late and the damage has been done. Not just damage to your profits or assets, but damage to the happy work environment you and your employees cherish

We can’t tell you how often we’re called in for investigations at companies who tell us they trusted their employees, and always thought things like data leakage couldn’t happen to them. If your organization has any form of sensitive information or data, or assets of any value, your organization is at risk for employee fraud. Your workplace is also at risk of having its mood and atmosphere damaged by the suspicion and unease that can accompany these incidents.

Periodic polygraph screening is something that is essential for many organizations. Not only is it an effective deterrent and risk management device, and not only does it uncover incidents and issues you may not even be aware of, but by both preventing and dealing with these issues, our periodic polygraph exams help you maintain the pleasant, enjoyable atmosphere of your organization. Our tests help confirm to you that your employees are worthy of your trust, and confirm to your employees that they are trusted and valued.

Gazit’s periodic polygraph screening benefits employers and employees

We boast highly-trained polygraph experts who travel to your offices for swift and discrete polygraph testing. We’ve found that putting 25-30% of your employees through periodic polygraph screening over the course of a year not only serves as an effective deterrent against various forms of fraud and corruption, but also helps create a positive and trusting work environment. To help maintain a positive atmosphere in your workplace, periodic polygraph exams will refer strictly to the time each employee has been in your organization. Your employees can be at ease knowing nothing else and nothing from the past is up for discussion.

Contact us to find out more on how periodic polygraph screening can benefit your organization as well as your employees.