Polygraph in Cyprus

Protecting your organization doesn’t just mean protecting your data, information and assets, it also means protecting your employees and the work culture you’ve worked so hard to create. We’re here to help with all of that.

You run an organization that provides a great working environment for its employees. You’re loyal to the people who work for you, and they’re loyal to your company. And you want to keep it that way.

Our branch in Cyprus is staffed with highly-skilled polygraph experts who are specially trained for working within the high-tech industries and with organizations that pride themselves on their positive workplace environment. Gazit’s Cyprus team has decades of experience in polygraph testing, psychological testing, and employee and candidate assessment. Abiding by the ethics American and European polygraph associations, they have performed tens of thousands of polygraph tests all over the globe in countless industries in the private, public, and government sectors.

Polygraph in Cyprus – an invaluable part of helping you have the best team

The idea of a polygraph test can conjure up all sorts of intimidating images, but it’s not like that at all. Whether we’re working with your company as a part of your pre-employment screening process, are administering periodic polygraph tests, or if we’ve been brought in to help deal with a crisis, our emphasis is always on providing a comfortable and welcoming environment. We take the time to talk with the organization’s management as well as the people taking the polygraph prior to any testing so that everyone is clear on the process and feels at ease with it.

To make this as convenient as possible for your organization, team members from our branch in Cyprus come into your offices with our equipment in order to assist with your hiring process or crisis management. Or if you’d prefer to keep this business out of the office altogether, we can also conduct our testing in a neutral location. Our tests help erase the doubt and suspicion that can plague an office, and help it return to its fun and enjoyable natural state.

For more information on how our polygraph tests can help you maintain the integrity of your organization as well as the enjoyment of your workplace, contact us today.

Limassol Cyprus
Omonoias Avenue no. 19, Limassol, Cyprus, 3052
Tel: +972 547573042 , +972 509022523